CocoaHeadsNL Meetup, 25 May 2023
Posted on August 24, 2023
Live stream of the CocoaHeadsNL meetup at Maxdoro in Amersfoort.
19:00 - Bram Kolkman: Tuist, the tool you missed
20:00 - Dima Kalachniuk: The journey from learning to creating an opensource tool
You can watch both talks via this live stream but it's even better if you join us in Amersfoort and meet with fellow Apple developers.
Do you want to give a talk at a future CocoaHeadsNL meetup? Did you implement a nice new feature? Or did you learn a new framework or a set of APIs? Give a talk about it! Contact any of the CocoaHeadsNL Team members and they are there for you to help you.