What's happening at CocoaHeads?

Posted on February 22, 2018

Current schedule

It’s going great! Our current calendar is filled with nice events for the upcoming months. We got some great new sponsors like Achmea and Moneybird on board next to our current sponsors.

Extra Meetups

As a result of the new sponsorships we organised two extra meetups in the east of the Netherlands. For some this means some more travel than usual, for others it’s an event closer to home. We’re expecting some new faces and are exploring the possibilities. Currently we are discussing if we should fit these meetups into the regular schedule or keep an additional calendar as it could increase organisation efforts. We would love to hear your feedback on this!


Marco Miltenburg joined our team and started recording the meetups. We’ve opened a youtube channel(please subscribe if you didn’t yet) and created a basic 1.0 open-source version of an Apple TV app.

Swift Island & Swift UGNL

Niels and Sidney have ventured into setting up a conference called Swift Island. It will be an experimental conference in the month following WWDC, where you can get hands-on experience with all of Apple’s newly announced API’s and Frameworks, in sessions guided by top-notch mentors. To stay informed, sign up for email announcements on their website or follow them on Twitter.

As most of you know Sidney works at Bamtech and apart from helping out with CocoaHeads, he has been organising the Swift Usergroup Netherlands meetups at their location in Amsterdam Noord.

Because of all these extra activities, and because it’s going so well with the CocoaHeadsNL meetups, we have decided to let Sidney and Niels completely focus on Swift Island, while Jeroen, Marco and Bart will take care of the current CocoaHeads schedule. It’s set a month after WWDC so we expect things to go back to normal after summer.


One thing that we could use your help with, is talks! We’re always interested in speakers and would love to hear the things you are working on or learned along the way. Some speakers have a little more experience but don’t let that keep you back, we are looking for beginner level and shorter presentations as well! Come talk to us during the meetups, ping us on Slack, or send us an email and we’re more than happy to schedule a date or help you on your way.

We’re looking forward to some really nice events this year, starting with Appdevcon this month. As always please keep your RSVP’s up to date and in case your company would like to become a sponsor, wants to host a meetup or has any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,
