November @ Triple

Posted on November 09, 2016

Triple will be hosting us on November 9th at their HQ in Alkmaar with food and drinks. We kindly request you keep your RSVP up to date!

Triple would like you to know food will be ready at 18:00. So feel free to be at their doorstep at 18:00 sharp. After diner and before the first presentation there is plenty entertainment and opportunities to socialise.

Antoine van der Lee will be giving a presentation:
Using Functional Reactive Programming in production with Buienradar

This talk will give you insights into how Functional Reactive Programming can help you build apps faster by making it more easy to implementing common patterns such as networking failures. I'll discuss the way we build apps like RTL XL and Buienradar at Triple and how we create projects which are familiar to work on for all developers in our team.

Combining ReactiveCocoa, Moya and a JSON parsing libraries creates new ways of networking in iOS apps built with Swift. By creating UI elements which can connect with these library you gain the ability to implement common patterns.

Eelco Lempsink will give the other talk that evening:
Practical Git for Small Teams

Looking forward to a great meetup!

Want to join us? RSVP on meetup right here