Extra meetup with Daniel Steinberg
Posted on April 29, 2015
Some sponsors just keep giving. :)
Xebia (Jeroen's place of work) has arranged Daniel Steinberg for us. A well known speaker from the Apple conference circuit. He just so happened to be in town at the end of April.
Here are the details. Daniel will give an amazing talk. One he has done before at the CocoaConf if I am correct.
Playing by a New Set of Rules - Methodologies, Mathematics, and the Metalinguistic Implications of Swift
"The rules we agree on define the games we play. We see this in methodologies we adopt for software development, in the mathematics we were forced to learn in high school, and in the syntax and grammar of the languages we choose to use.
During this talk we'll explore cases in which the implication of axioms are clear and cases in which they are far from clear.
There will be a quiz."
We will be in the Hampshire Hotel at the Rembrandt Square.
There will be drinks during or after the presentation in the Hotel bar.
Want to join us? RSVP on meetup right here