April @ Triodos

Posted on April 10, 2024

Please join us April 10th for a visit to Triodos in **Driebergen-Rijsenburg.**

In order to have a good meetup please keep your RSVP up to date as always. This helps your fellow CocoaHeads, our planning and improves the meetups.

18:00 - Doors open & Dinner

19:00 - Presentation by Tieme van Veen: Elevating UI Tests with Network Mocking
20:00 - Presentation by Mathijs Kadijk: Apple Vision Pro live demo for iOS developers
21:00 - Time to catch up

Talk 1: UI testing is crucial for high-quality, robust apps. However, if your app relies heavily on the network, maintaining stable UI tests becomes a challenge. In this talk, Tieme will demonstrate the power of Mountebank, an open-source test doubles server. He'll guide you through changing the UI tests approach of an existing project, paving the way for a more dependable test suite and app.

Talk 2: Mathijs will give a live demo of Apple Vision Pro and share his experience developing multiple visionOS apps (Splitscreen, Bezel & Typos). Learn how development differs from iOS development, how users interact with apps and why you should take a few hours to make your iPad app an actual Vision Pro app.

Want to join us? RSVP on meetup right here