Posted on April 20, 2017
In April we will visit Minddistrict. A long time friend and sponsor of CocoaHeadsNL.
Details for now:
Drinks and food
1 speaker from Minddistrict
“MVVM + reactive = bliss” by Tikitu de Jager
Tikitu recently dipped his toes into using a reactive library and MVVM architecture, and very quickly decided to dive all the way in. He’ll walk you through the basics and explain why he's so enthusiastic about these techniques, then show you some real examples in their codebase (warts and all). If you haven’t tried these techniques yet, he hopes to convince you that you should; if you’re already using them, he hopes you can take some inspiration from the details of how Minddistrict is putting them to work (and maybe even give some suggestions).
"The ins- and outs of using Turbolinks to build scalable hybrid apps" by Joost Diepenmaat
Joost is proud of their Moneybird app and platform. If you do any invoicing/freelancing, you should check their platform. They built their solution using Turbolinks. Turbolinks originated from Basecamp. Think Ruby on Rails & David Heinemeier Hansson.
RSVP Closes the Monday morning 9:00 AM before the event, so be sure to make it accurate it before then!
Want to join us? RSVP on meetup right here